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UOB has come out with a One Account with comparable interest rates with the OCBC 360:
Screenshot from UOB website

For those of you that are credit card adverse, the debit card might be an alternative option, there's an annual fee of $18, but it can be waived for 12 Visa transactions a year (not hard isn't it?), and well you might get one less card to carry. I kinda prefer it over the UOB One card with an annual fee of $128.40. (Sorry, I tend to see if I can easily recover the annual fee based on my personal expenditures, I'm not too sure how continuous usage of the debit card will affect the daily average balance used in calculating the interest though)

I am considering to open another account when my OCBC 360 goes above the balance for bonus interest. My first thought was CIMB Starsaver Savings Account at 0.8%. DBS Multiplier is too messy for me.

As of present, for my uses the FRANK card (6%!) is serving me better than other cards out in the market. Paired with me being able to meet the 360 account criteria easily makes it a better option.

Do remember that it's probably not just the bank account alone, but it includes the credit card/debit card that comes with it. Find the account that matches your deposit size and expenditure profile as well as the card that the bank offers that allows you get the most savings.

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